How Leonardo da Vinci Teaches Us That Slow or Even Extremely Slow, but Quality Work Is Much Better Than Quick but Quantity Work

He took 4 years or more time to paint Mona Lisa; You avoid shipping shitty quantity articles

Muhammad Fazal
4 min readNov 9, 2021
Photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas from Pexels

Leonardo Da Vinci’s paintings are world renown and uniquely honored in the world.

He was one of the most genius human beings this planet earth has ever witnessed. He was a painter, mathematician, engineer, scientist, sculptor, architect and what not. He was a polymath.

When I learned these facts about Leonardo Da Vinci, I literally couldn’t sleep for a long time. The thought of being so much in the lifespan of 67 years made my struggle to sleep double.

How on earth a man without any internet connection, tutorials, access to electricity, and other uniquely gifted resources available to the human being in the 21st century could do all that.

The most surprising was that he wasn’t an amateur or mediocre in those different fields of science. He was a master of it. That man broke a notorious belief “jack of all trades master of none,” because he was the master of all traits.

He Had a Hard Time Finishing His Paintings



Muhammad Fazal

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