How to Give Your Best at Any Moment

You decide what your mind will do

Muhammad Fazal


Photo by Norbert Braun on Unsplash

No work is ever done. If you are not becoming better at something, remember someone else is becoming better at it.

Records are built to break them. There will always be some new legend in the field.

So there is no top limit. There is no ceiling. Possibilities are limitless about you giving your best and being the master at some skill or craft.

So what is the answer to the question Am I giving my best at this moment? The answer will always be no.

There Is Always Something More We Can Do

We do not know our true potential. However, no matter what we have done, we have worked hard; there is still something undiscovered and untouched inside us.

Even when you say that you have hit enough running rounds, you can still hit one more round. You can always prove your mind wrong when it says, “Hey, I am tired. There is nothing left in me. My energy task is empty.”

How can you prove it wrong? By doing more.

The Mind Gives Up Early

How do you feel about writing a book, doing the college assignment, and doing the dishes? Negative, right?

The mind always sees things with a frown. It brings doubts, negative thoughts and questions, and feelings of resentment before even beginning with the task at hand.

Before even experimenting and testing things, the mind concludes that it’s impossible.

Would you still listen to your mind?

You Decide What Your Mind Will Do

If you want to live to your fullest potential, understand that the mind is your enemy.

Despite the mind being the most powerful tool in the world, it is filled with self-doubts.

Intelligence is when you understand that the mind underestimates its powers.

Do not let the mind decide whether you will do this assignment or not. You decide. You get up now without asking for suggestions from the mind and begin the work.



Muhammad Fazal

A writer who writes to help you conquer each day. Get full medium access through my link and support me as a writer: