How to out-stand everybody when things get tough, and other people give up

When things get challenging, the filter starts to begin

Muhammad Fazal
3 min readOct 2, 2021
Photo by Taco Fleur on Unsplash

Everybody is in the game when things are easy, but very few make it until the end and stay when things are hard.

Life can not exist without a challenge. Challenge is an inevitable part of living.

To out-stand everybody, you need to do something that nobody else can do?

What could that be?

You need to train yourself to be in the game when things get tough and challenging because most people will give up, and that is how you out-stand other people.

Today, it’s easy to win because most people seek pleasure and waste time on social media and Netflix.

You have an edge if you train yourself never to lose hope and stay persistent when things get tough. Winning will be easy because the competition is already low.

Why do we give up when things get tough

Giving up is all about the mindset.

Since childhood, you have been taught that things are tough, and failure is a bad thing in society and so don’t take the risk because if you take a chance, what if you fail? You need to seek security…



Muhammad Fazal

A writer who writes to help you conquer each day. Get full medium access through my link and support me as a writer: