Often Your Body Posture Decides Your State of Confidence

Body language has a lot to do with feeling confident and happy

Muhammad Fazal
3 min readApr 28, 2022
Photo by FitNish Media on Unsplash

Try this: smile for 1 minute; Hit the stopwatch and do it. Stay there in that posture, and soon that bodily forced smile will turn into a genuine feeling of happiness.

Why? Because the body can also send the signal to the mind.

Confidence doesn’t come from affirmation only. Not always a motivation speech; you will need to boost your confidence. It can also come from your body language.

The way you sit, stand, and walk has a lot to do with feeling genuinely confident.

Do Not Bend Your Back

Sit and stand straight, with your chin high.

We get so much involved in things that we forget how we are standing in our busy lives.

How we are holding ourselves at the moment. We often get lost in the work that we bent on the screen; we forget how unattractive our body language is in the moment.

The way we walk shows how we will face the challenges of our lives. Most people walk with their chin dropping to the surface of the earth. That’s the body language of the failure.



Muhammad Fazal

A writer who writes to help you conquer each day. Get full medium access through my link and support me as a writer: https://mfazal.medium.com/membership