The Competition Begins as You Took the First Breath in This World

Life as a human is highly competitive

Muhammad Fazal
2 min readJan 1, 2023
Photo by Victoire Joncheray on Unsplash

We all are on a constant look for comfort.

Why compete? Competition is bad. Every human being is different. Competition is evil. Be unique. Be different. You are different.

In life, you are always competing. The job you want is also a dream of other 20 candidates waiting beside you to go for an interview inside the office.

The girl you want to marry or the boy you want to have as a life-partner has been approached by many. Competition is high. You have to be quick and act in this world with a sense of urgency.

Beside the outside competitions, we also have inner battles to fight. It starts from brushing your teeth. If you eat chocolate without brushing your teeth, they will die.

You have to compete with yourself as your aging. Because either you are growing weak or you are growing stronger. Depends upon you action in the moment.

Accept and participate in the competition of life. It’s healthy. It ensures that you will never be stale again. It ensures that you will test your limits and keep growing and improving in your life.

So competition should be there. It’s all good. See everything as a competition. It’s all positive.



Muhammad Fazal

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