The Most Important Thing About Happiness That People Ignore All of Their Lives

Only your roots will make you happy because achievements, however big or small, will always get stale with time

Muhammad Fazal


Photo by S&B Vonlanthen on Unsplash

A human being needs a cave to live, food to eat, and drinkable water on the fundamental levels.

That’s it: no Ferraris, No 5 to 10 houses, No private jets.

But still, the problem is not in gaining those things. Possessions are not the problem but the way we get involved in getting those material things that are the problem.

In the pursuit, we forget our roots. We forget that we are already richer. We forget that we already have what it takes to be happy and fulfilled.

If you are reading this article, then the chances are that you have worn clothes, have food to eat, a house to live, eyes to see, and so on.

And that all is enough to be happy. But the problem is that we forget it. That forgetting causes suffering, which will stop us from enjoying however less or as much we get in our lives.

So we need the not-forgetting habit. We need to constantly remind ourselves that we have all which is required to live a happy life.

My Achievements Which Went Stale

I was the topper in my school. I won the book review competition and won a laptop. I got a degree in Computer Science from one of the great Universities.

I got a job in my chosen field. I worked as a Computer Programmer and earned a handsome amount of money.

But later on, I got fed up with working 9 to 5 jobs. My new dream became to be free from any supervision. To earn money online and be my boss.

Guess what? I did it too. But you know what, even after getting it done. There remains a new challenge, new things, and new dreams to work on.

And even when I will achieve those things, some more significant challenges will still lurk in my head.

With depending happiness on achievements comes a big trap. Which is you will be unhappy most of the time. Why? Because the phase of struggle is quite clearly longer than the…



Muhammad Fazal

A writer who writes to help you conquer each day. Get full medium access through my link and support me as a writer: