You Have the Power to Fight Any Obstacle

I repeat any obstacle

Muhammad Fazal
3 min readDec 29, 2021
Photo by Tadeusz Lakota on Unsplash

Are you afraid of what people will say about you? Or is it an addiction that you want to overcome?

Do you think that your problems are unsolvable?

Whatever your thoughts are about your problems, I want to remind you that you are bigger than your problems.

Nothing in this world has been more significant than human potential.

You have the powers that are uniquely gifted to you.

You can solve any problem; it’s just you are being lazy and uncertain deliberately.

You can free yourself from any situation. Want evidence?

Do you remember studying a particular subject in your college and thinking about how tough is it? You think you can’t do it.

But guess what? Now you are here, and you have done that. You have won it. That problem that seemed like a big mountain was crushed into dust.

Like this, every problematic situation has an end. It’s just you have to keep going and have to find a way to reach that end.

Life is that simple. Just keep going. You have the powers to endure and attack.

Obstacles Are Gifts



Muhammad Fazal

A writer who writes to help you conquer each day. Get full medium access through my link and support me as a writer: