Your Goal Should Be to See How Far a Human Being Can Go

Only this idea will make you unstoppable

Muhammad Fazal


Photo by sporlab on Unsplash

We all like the idea that we are working extremely hard, but only when we meet our opponent, working in some distant corner of the world, do we know how hard we have worked on ourselves.

The truth: No matter, how much you have worked, you can still work more. So there is no such thing that you have worked enough. There is nothing like enough in this world.

Yes, you need some sleep, but sleeping all day won’t take you far. It’s the work that will make you do the world tour.

Outwork Yourself

It’s so strange that we try to compete with other people. We fail to notice that it limits us. If we define our success by comparison, we are undoubtedly applying limits.

And that limit has become a reason for sadness. Your limit should be you, which eventually means you have no limits.

You are your competition. Aim for your limits. Guess what? They keep on increasing because you can always do more.

When your motto becomes to outwork yourself, no one can compete with you because your limit is limitless.

Love the Work More Than Your Sleep

Want to live your dreams? Really? There is only one way to make those dreams a reality: work.

Anyone who has got something in their lives, something that you appreciate, has come from working.

Good character, money, a healthy body, happiness, and satisfaction all come from work.

It’s the work how you will measure the human potential, not by lying in bed.

Measuring the human potential means seeing how many difficulties you can endure in your life.

See How Far You Can Go

Feeling tired, lying on a couch and watching TV? See if you can grab a glass of water for yourself. See if you can go this far.

You have worked on your project for one hour, and you think you have done enough? Let’s see if you can sit for 10 minutes more on that seat?



Muhammad Fazal

A writer who writes to help you conquer each day. Get full medium access through my link and support me as a writer: